Mr. Izhak Nakar
Izhak Nakar Founded the Top Image Systems, NASDAQ:TISA, served as its Chairman of the Board and CEO from inception until his resignation...
Ms. Yifat Vered
Yifat Hodaya Vered CEO of Japan-Israel Consulting & Business Development with 10 years of experience in Japan The company is a bridge...
Mr. David Heller
David Heller VERTEX Active in the Asian markets since 1989. Resident in Japan for about 5 years. Graduated from Kyoto University in...
Mr. Dror Vered
Dror Vered K-line GATEAST Appointed director of the Eilat-Japan line in Zim company in the year 1960 and later, in the year 1963 was...
Ms. Neta Kalmanson
Neta Kalmanson Partner at I.J DO Ltd. "Falling in love with the magic of Japan, led me to explore this fascinating country in depth,...
Prof. Ami Ben-Amotz
Ami Ben-Amotz Chief Scientist in Nevet Company Ltd., Eilat, Israel, and Nikken Sohonsha, Gifu, Japan The Activity of the companies:...
Ms. Vered Farber
Vered Farber The Asia Institute Occupation: Specialized in business development and business ties with Asia and Japan, including...
Ms. Tal Frank
Tal Frank, TAL TRADING COM Initiates and promotes trade relations with Japan. Chief of the Ambassador's Secretariat from 2003 to 2010. ...