שושי קגנובסקי

גב' שושי קגנובסקי - חברת סנסו ליק An energetic entrepreneur, full of ideas and plans Experienced in founding and consulting to game-changing startups and technology commercialization. Currently involved in the Oil & Gas industry as well as the Clean-tech scene During the last couple of years I have been involved profoundly in the Japanese market. My deep knowledge of Japan is based on academic studies of the history, culture, economics, literature and business etiquette of Japan Specialties: Raising capital, Investments, Oil & Gas, Medical Devices, Agritech, CleanTech, Med-Tech, Cyber, IT management, business match-making, business development, project management, international relations, strategy construction and marketing, Foreign languages, business development, business with Japan, semiconductors, negotiating, teaching, presenting, organizing, writing, summing up, coordinating, multitasking חברה חדשה בלשכה